blue lego

The Primer distribution

Customizable at will and perfectly fitted to your needs

We develop the Primer distribution. It is a big enabler for our Open Source engagement.

Find a list below of the modules that we maintain and/or develop and that are included in every instance of Primer.


Modules with contributions


Completed Patches


Pending Patches


Funded Milestones

While working on Primer, we identified many missing pieces in the Drupal ecosystem and released them as Open Source.

  • Paragraphs
  • Paragraphs Collection
  • Diff
  • Entity Usage
  • Moderation Sidebar
  • Entity Browser
  • Focal Point
  • Media Entity Audio
  • Dropzone JS
  • Media Entity Download
  • TMGMT Deepl
  • TMGMT Google
  • Mailchimp
  • Webform Mailchimp
  • Captcha
  • Search API Solr
  • Block Field
  • Search API
  • BS Base
  • Entity Reference Revisions
  • Monitoring
  • Redis
  • Replicate
  • Views Custom Cache Tag
  • Default Content
  • Pathauto
  • Menu Trail by Path
  • Redirect

See our Drupal contribution activity documentation of our platform Primer.

Additionally, we are contributing to a large list of Open Source modules that we use.

This approach helps us to keep the product complexity and thus maintenance work lower in the long term.

May 2023

Support File attachments in translation jobs


Better statistics and review capabilities, support MIME-type based inclusion of files added through a translatable field

May 2023

Improved filters and UX in sources list


New filters such as published or order by changed / created date with overall significant improvement for creation of large complex translation jobs.

April 2023

Support Relay

July 2021

TMGMT improvements


Add to cart for re-translation, moderation state, dealing with character limits, enabling of notifications for received translations.

May 2021



Fixed a bug that resulted in losing referenced entities when using the Inline Entity Form field widget with a Entity Reference Revision field on moderated, translatable content.