
paragraphs module

The Paragraphs module allows you to use a modular framework to create content.

The content creator is empowered to flexibly combine predefined visual components. A rich landing page with a slideshow, a testimonial, a form, a parallax background image and action buttons is easy to create without a site builder getting involved.

35+ %

of Drupal 8+ websites use Paragraphs

Before Paragraphs, content creators had to put all the content of one page into one Wysiwyg component. Including images and videos, as well as the layout of the page. Sometimes it was necessary that they deal with writing html and add CSS classes directly in content. With this workflow, it is easy to make mistakes, layouts are complicated to set up, and updating layouts or CSS classes is a nightmare.

The other technique was for the site builders to decide exactly which and how many content types were allowed on a page type, as well as the layout and CSS classes, letting the content creators “fill in the blanks”, potentially having to adapt the content to the layout that was forced on them.

With Paragraphs, we divide the tasks. Content creators can now simply create content, and not worry about html tags or CSS classes.

Content creators can decide by themselves the order of the Paragraphs, and the layout of the page, simply by selecting (e.g.) the number of columns that they want the content in. There is no more complicated html, simply choosing the proper layout or styling for each paragraph.

Each Paragraph Type can be enriched by the side builders, by allowing the content creator to choose more specific attributes - e.g. corresponding to the various CSS classes applicable to this specific Paragraph Type.

The Paragraphs module includes a selection of standard Paragraph types such as: Image, Gallery of Images, Body of text, Reference to other pages. In addition, it is also possible for Site Builders to create custom Paragraph types combining any of the available field types. For example, an image that would contain text and a link would be a Paragraph with a media field, a text field, and a link field.

With the clear definition of all components, it is possible to clearly define their behavior in a responsive setting.

The site builders define the behavior of the elements responsively, removing this task from the content creation process. This way, the website is always in a well defined state, for all screen sizes.

Content structure is modular and each component has a cleanly defined structure. Developing and maintaining the structure and design of your website is easier than ever. The CMS is aware of semantics and can feed modern decoupled architectures with structured data.

August 2022

Drupal 10 compatibility and Claro improvements

April 2019

Editing performance, add above, edit all, drag & drop

December 2018

Feature: Clean up old revisions

October 2018 Donations - simple and flexible


Paragraphs: UX Improvements: Add Dialog, Replicate, Add above, Convert

Findock: Module release

June 2018

Fixing issue for the Paragraphs - Content Moderation - Workflows

May 2018 das Bonusportal von ÖKK


Update Bootstrap, stability for more customization,

OpenID Connect support for Simple OAuth, remember sharing,

Improvements for Paragraphs Release 8.x-1.3

April 2018

Bring Library to paragraphs, UX improvements, new Paragraphs UI, Content moderation

July 2017

Experimental Widget for Paragraphs Release 8.x-1.2

March 2015

Module ported to Drupal 8