Our OpenSource work is part of every Drupal distribution. We have been working on Drupal development since 2009 and have taken part in milestones present in all Drupal websites.
Distributions are preconfigured Drupal installations, with a set of associated modules that together build a complete framework for you to build your website. Drupal curates a list of all open distributions.
In addition to the set of associated modules, each distribution can also come with any amount of custom features, depending on its requirements. Thus, it exists a variety of distributions, from the very wide and flexible ones to the highly specialized.
We are developing and maintaining the flexible Primer distribution and the more specialized towards news publishers NP8 distribution.
We are supporting projects based on the widely used Thunder distribution and are familiar with this setup.
If you are a bigger organization regrouping several websites, a custom distribution could be the perfect solution.
Distributions maintained by MD Systems
Distributions based on our work
Some of our clients run multiple or large amounts of instances